Grammar Fanatic

Mon, 10 Jun, 2019

3 categories of prepositions that a Class 7 kid must know!

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A preposition is a word that is employed before a noun or a pronoun; it indicates the connection between a noun and a pronoun with some other word in the sentence. They are a part of speech that links one part of the sentence to another and aids in delivering meaningful sentences. For example,

I saw a cat on the bed

He resides in Mumbai

Running is good for losing weight.

Types Of Prepositions

Prepositions for Class 7 comprise its types and usage in daily life. Let us first understand the types of prepositions to make it easy to understand how to use them. Here are the details for you-

1) Simple Preposition- Words that are used with their object are referred to as simple prepositions. Learning Simple Prepositions for Class 7 is easy; all you need to focus on is understanding the basics. Some of the simple prepositions are up, at, on, off, with, etc. Let us understand them with the help of a few examples-

I live in the middle of the city

I saw him in the office yesterday

The cake was made by me.

2) Compound Preposition- These prepositions are created by adding a preposition to a noun, adverb, or adjective. Some of the compound prepositions are around, without, across, above, etc. Let us understand them with the help of a few examples-

Jack is hiding behind the wall.

John and Hina get along well.

It would be best if you reached the station before time. 

3) Group/Phrasal Preposition- This preposition is made when you combine two or more words. Some of the group/phrasal prepositions are with regard to, away from, in addition to, etc. Let us understand them with the help of a few examples-

The mall is 10kms away from the city.

According to the syllabus, studying prepositions is essential

Instead of starting a new series, I watched a movie 

4) Participle Preposition- When you use present participles without attaching a noun or pronoun to them, they are referred to as participle prepositions. Some of the participle prepositions are concerning, during, barring, touching, pending, etc. Let us understand them with the help of a few examples-

Considering the situation, it looks like she will take an off tomorrow.

Your dues are pending for 2 months.

I will complete my syllabus during summer breaks.

This was about the types of Class 7 English Prepositions; now, let us learn more about them to become a pro. Want to learn more about the English Language from a PlanetSpark SAT qualified Expert? BOOK  a FREE Class NOW!

Classes Of Preposition

The simple prepositions are classified into three categories; here is the explanation of them-

a) Prepositions of Time - Prepositions of time comprise before, on, since, in, between, at, by, during, until, and for. Let us understand each of them with examples-

  • In

In is used for parts of the day, months, year, and seasons.

We established the organization in 1990

The new session will start in April.

  •  On

The word on refers to particular days & dates or for any special occasion or day.

We have an off on Baisakhi.

The market is closed on Wednesday.

  • At

At is used majorly to signify weekends, nighttime or to talk about a specific time.

The movie starts at 9 p.m.

I do not prefer working at night.

  • Until

It is used for referring to how long something will last.

She might not come until the following Monday.

You will have to wait for the files until she comes.

  • By

By is used for telling the deadline

Please mail me the details by tomorrow

Please reach the interview venue by 10 a.m.

  • For

The word for is used to show the length of action or how long the activity will last.

I have been waiting for you since morning

She has been working here for 5 years now.

  • Between

It is used for specifying the duration of two points of time.

I have a call between 4 to 6, so avoid calling me.

My cat loves sleeping between my sister and me.

  • During

Use during to specify the duration of action and a known period.

Were you sleeping during the movie?

The ceremony happened during the evening.

  • Since

You can use the preposition since to indicate something that has already happened and is still continuing.

I have not had food since morning

It’s been raining since three days now.

b) Prepositions of Place- These include behind, on, under, among, in, above, at, below. Let us understand each of them with examples-

  • In

The word in is used to state something that is surrounded or enclosed and the position of anything within the general area, such as countries, towns, etc.

The water is in the jug.

I have a business conference in Paris.

  • On

The word on is used to express a floor in a house, directions on roads, left or right, and when something is physically attached, touching, or covering something.

In 7 class English Prepositions, learning every concept is crucial as it will help you not only in your exams but also in your daily life. So, let us know about it with examples for better understanding-

Please put the files on the shelf.

My house is on the 8th floor, near the central circle.

  • At

The word at refers to the events, school/college/university, and showing the exact position for a specific place. 

I saw her at the mall yesterday.

She is studying for her Master's studies at London University. 

  • Above

It is used to signify anything that is higher than the other object.

The plate is kept above the shelf

The plane flies above the water

  •  Among

You can use among as a preposition to show that something is in the middle of something or surrounded by any object.

My dog was sitting hiding among the bushes.

I shared and distributed the food among all the children.

  • Under

You can use the word under for indicating something lower than the other thing.

The dog is sitting under the table

The books are kept under the shelf in the drawer

  • In front of

It is used to signify something that is close to or in front of something.

That café is just in front of my office.

His seat is just in front of the boss's cabin. 

c) Prepositions of directions & movements- These prepositions comprise onto, to, across, along, towards, through, etc. You can learn in detail about them by opting for a FREE session on prepositions online for Class 7 at PlanetSpark, as they can help you understand all the concepts in a fun and easy way.

Let's move on and learn about the prepositions of directions & movements with examples-

  • Through

The word through is used to specify end-to-end movement.

It is impossible to pass the bed through this door

You will have to go through all the files to get the right resolution.

  • To

You can use the word to for signifying a specific position or a destination.

I am going to London for further studies.

The bedroom is next to the study room.

  • Into

Usage of into is done for referring to something that is moving from outside to inside.

The fly fell into my cup of tea  

My dog jumped into the tub to get his bone.

  • Over

It is used to state that something is above something or a path of motion.

She put the blanket over both of us

The ship was running over the water

This was about Prepositions for Class 7; you can learn more about them by signing up with PlanetSpark; they provide your kids with complete assistance in completing the syllabus, answering their queries, and teaching them in a way that they understand the basics well. So, join PlanetSpark today without a wait if you want to save time and want your kid to be a topper in the class. BOOK a FREE Class NOW!


Q1. Give any six examples of prepositions.

A1. Here are the six examples of prepositions: at, near, with, to beside, across, and under.

Q2. What are the benefits of using prepositions?

A2. The significant benefit of using prepositions is that they signify how one word relates to the other words, and you will not make grammatical errors once you are well-versed with the usage of prepositions.

Q3. How much time does it take to learn prepositions for class7?

A3. It depends on the time you spare and how much your practice. The more you do the worksheets, the more quickly you will be able to clear your concepts 

Q4. Illustrate the usage of along as a preposition.

A4. Along is used to signify anything that is moving from one point to another. For example, there are many institutes along the street.

Q5. Which prepositions can be identified?

A5. It is tough to recognize prepositions as their placement in the sentence is not very consistent.  

Prepositions are just the start! Make your child an expert in Grammar by booking a FREE class with PlanetSpark English Language Trainer!

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