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Mon, 06 Jan, 2020

5 Frequently asked questions about nouns by Grade 3 kids!

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The topic CBSE Class 3 English Nouns is explained here with examples. You can also learn how to solve some interesting assignments for Class 3 English Nouns. PlanetSpark offers English Language classes to kids all over the world! Want to see your child master the English Language in class? Book a FREE Class NOW! 

English nouns can be easily identified in a sentence. However, if you have to keep in mind the different types of nouns, you have to learn Class 3 English Nouns in detail. Here, you will get many examples of each type of noun. After completing this lesson on Class 3 English Nouns, solve the given assignments without asking for help from parents and teachers. Once you finish your assignment, check whether you have done it correctly by referring to the solutions provided.

Let’s get started!

Basic Concept Of Noun For Class 3

When you read the lesson on Parts of Speech, you must have come across the word NOUN. Do you remember? A noun is one of the most commonly used words in speech or sentences.

A noun is used in the English language as a name for something. Now, this “something” can be the following:

  • the name of a person

  • the name of an animal

  • the name of a place

  • the name of a river

  • the name of a mountain

  • the name of an object that you can touch, feel, or sense

Different Types Of Nouns For Class 3

A noun is classified in many different ways. To begin with, we will discuss the five main types of nouns. These types are:

  1. Proper noun

  2. Common noun

  3. Collective noun

  4. Abstract noun

  5. Concrete noun

Let’s understand how these nouns are different from each other.

  1. Proper noun

The name given to any particular person or place is a proper noun. Your name is an example of a proper noun. Think of the names of all your friends. All of those names come under proper nouns.

Some examples of proper nouns:

  • Name of a person - Alisha, Balu, Harmeet, Jyoti, Madan, Nelson, Sachin, etc.

  • Name of a river - the Ganga, the Yamuna.

  • Name of a mountain - the Himalayas, the Vindhyas.

  • Name of a country – India, England.

  • Name of a city - New Delhi, Mumbai.

  • Name of an Indian state – Tamil Nadu, Punjab.

Remember - While writing a proper noun, you must always keep the first letter capital.

  1. Common noun

The word used for people or a thing or an object that belongs to the same type or category is known as a common noun.

Some examples of common nouns:

girl, boy, king, queen, city, town, village, country, fruit, vegetable, etc.

  1. Collective noun

A collective noun is a word that represents a group of people or a bunch of things together. In other words, it is the name given to a collection of objects or people.

Some examples of collective nouns for Class 3

  • A herd of cattle – This means a group of cows and buffaloes together.

  • A flock of birds – This means a group of birds together.

  • A swarm of bees – This means a collection of honey bees.

  • An army – This means a group of soldiers.

  • A crowd – This means a group of people gathering in a place.

  • A fleet of ships – This means a collection of ships together.

  • A class – This means a group of students inside a classroom. 


  1. Abstract noun

This type of noun does not represent any object, people or place. The name given to quality, action, process, idea, or state is an abstract noun.

Some examples of abstract nouns for Class 3

  • Abstract noun of qualities – goodness, cleanliness, courage, kindness.

  • Abstract noun of states – wellness, sickness, childhood, richness.

  • Abstract noun of action – movement, judgement, theft, hatred.

  • Abstract noun of idea – happiness, freedom, trust, obedience.

  • Abstract noun of process – growth, filtration, electricity, communication. 

  1. Concrete Noun

In the previous sections, you must have noticed that there are types of nouns representing a person or an object or a place. These nouns are called Concrete Nouns because we can see them, hear them and touch them.

Now, think about some Abstract Nouns. Can you hold or see or taste Honesty, Truth or Goodness? You cannot.

Thus, we can say Concrete Nouns and Abstract Nouns are two opposite forms of Nouns. Concrete Noun is physically present in front of us, but Abstract Noun does not have any physical presence.

There are two different types of Concrete Nouns:

Countable nouns – We can count the numbers of these persons or things. For example – chair, table, book, pen, pencil, city, bird, man, woman, etc.

Uncountable nouns – We cannot count these nouns in terms of numbers. For example – milk, rice, sugar, oil, dust, smoke, heat, cold, trade, etc.

When the countable noun is equal to one, we call it a singular number.

When the countable noun is more than one, we call it a plural number.

For example – a boy, a girl, a story, a brush, a cow. These are all nouns in singular numbers.

On the other hand, boys, girls, stories, brushes, cows represent the same nouns in plural numbers. 

Examples of noun sentences for Class 3.

  1. Ashoka was a great king.

  2. Children are playing in the park.

  3. Our team won the trophy.

  4. Milk is a healthy drink.

  5. Cats eat mice.

  6. The elephant is a big animal.

  7. Who has taken my pencil?

  8. Asha has a new bicycle.

  9. Robin can play football.

  10. Mr. Rana is our teacher.

  11. Always speak the truth.

  12. Maya is playing the piano.

  13. I can use a computer.

  14. A herd of cattle was grazing in the field.

  15. A hammer is made of iron.

Assignments for Practice - Learn Class 3 English Nouns

Pick the ODD one out:

  1. rope, shoe, run, road, letter.

  2. bag, butter, rainbow, tea, bad.

  3. river, village, trees, flower, pot.

  4. Sumi, Raju, Rama, Atul, wisdom.

  5. windows, doors, racks, salt, keys.

  6. an army, three chairs, the police, a team, my family.

Underline the nouns in the following sentences:

  1. The sky is blue.

  2. Apples are red.

  3. Alok is taller than Arun.

  4. Radha lives in Kerala.

  5. My father is going to Manali tomorrow.

  6. The Earth revolves around the Sun.

  7. Nikhil and I are good friends.

  8. Let us go to the shop.

  9. Please lend me your ruler.

  10. My mother was driving the car.

Fill in the blanks with a suitable noun:

  1. I am reading ______________.

  2. _________________ is a red fruit.

  3. ____________ collect honey in their hives.

  4. ______________ build nests.

  5. ______________ is a beautiful flower.

  6. _____________ rises in the east.

  7. We use _________________ in the rainy season.

  8. The ___________________ is a wild animal.

  9. ____________________ love bananas.

  10. A _______________ of ships sailed in the sea.

Frequently Asked Questions : Learn Nouns for Class 3

Q.1. How can you identify a noun in a sentence?

Ans. All the naming words in a sentence are called nouns.

Q.2. Explain the difference between proper nouns and common nouns using an example.

Ans. For example, Ragini is a good girl. Here, Ragini is a proper noun, and girl is a common noun.

Q.3. I have a pet dog. Its name is Lucy. Here, which type of noun is Lucy?

Ans. Lucy is a proper noun.

Q.4. I saw a herd of cattle in the field. Here, which type of noun is herd of cattle?

Ans. Herd is a collective noun.

Q.5. Which of these are countable nouns–wheat, table, milk, pencil, grass, chairs, duster?

Ans. The countable nouns are table, chairs, pencil, and duster.


Pick the ODD one out - SOLVED

  1. rope, shoe, run, road, letter.

RUN is the odd word. It is a verb and not a noun. All the other words are names of things/objects.

  1. bag, butter, rainbow, tea, bad.

BAD is the odd word. It is an adjective and not a noun. All the other words are names of things/objects.

  1. river, village, trees, flower, pot.

TREES is the odd word. All the other words are in singular numbers.

  1. Sumi, Raju, Rama, Atul, wisdom.

WISDOM is the odd word. All the other words are proper nouns. Wisdom is an abstract noun; the rest are proper nouns.

  1. windows, doors, racks, salt, keys.

SUGAR is the odd word. It is an uncountable noun; the rest are countable nouns.

  1. an army, three chairs, the police, a team, my family.

THREE CHAIRS is the odd word. It is a countable noun, while the others are countable.

Underline the nouns in the following sentences:

  1. The sky is dark.

  2. Apples are sweet.

  3. Alok is taller than Arun.

  4. Radha lives in Kerala.

  5. My father is going to Manali tomorrow.

  6. The Earth revolves around the Sun.

  7. Nikhil and I are good friends.

  8. Let us go to the shop.

  9. Please lend me your ruler.

  10. My mother was driving the car. 

Fill in the blanks with a suitable noun:

  1. I am reading a book.

  2. Strawberry is a red fruit.

  3. Bees collect honey in their hives.

  4. Birds can build their nests.

  5. Lotus is a beautiful flower.

  6. The Sun rises in the east.

  7. We use an umbrella in the rainy season.

  8. The lion is a wild animal.

  9. Monkeys love bananas.

  10. A fleet of ships sailed in the sea.

Nouns are just the start! Want your child to master English Language in 60 days? Book a FREE Class with our language expert today!

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