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Mon, 06 May, 2019

80% of students in Class 4 do not know about these 9 types of Adjectives!

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Adjectives are an important part of grammar knowledge. This is taught to all kids to understand sentence formation better. It also helps to have a good command of the English language while speaking as well as writing. Proper grammar knowledge can help students study and understand better and help them formulate written documents like reports, journals, research papers, letters, speeches, etc., for academic and professional purposes. The following content is very important for English Grammar for Class 4 students.

Definition Of Adjectives

Adjectives are describing words. These words are specifically used to describe different nouns and their various types – like persons, places, things, animals, etc. it is also used to describe pronouns that we use in our sentences. Adjective words or defining words can also indicate the number of things, the quality and quantity of things, the size and shape of articles and animated objects, and the feelings of humans. Usually, adjective words can be identified in sentences by asking specific questions like – "How many? What kind? Which one? How big? Etc.

Examples Of Adjective Words In Sentences

  1. The criminal was a scary man. (What kind)

  2. I have Rs 500 in my bank. (How much)

  3. I want a pink dress. (Which one)

  4. I bought six bananas from the market. (How many)

Degrees Of Adjectives For Class 4

There are three degrees of adjectives important for Class 4 English Grammar. They are as follows –

  1. Positive degree of Adjective – the adjective word is said to be in the positive degree of an adjective when there is no comparative object in the sentence.

Example – I was a very naughty kid.

  1. The comparative degree of Adjective – the adjective word is said to be in the comparative degree of adjective when there has an establishment of comparison between two nouns or pronouns in a given sentence.

For example – Rahul is taller than Ayush.

  1. Superlative degree of Adjective – the adjective word is said to be in the superlative degree of adjective when the word is used to establish a comparison between two or more noun and pronoun words.

Example – Deepika is the smartest of all her classmates.

There are various ways to depict a word in the positive, comparative and superlative degree. The article "the" is always used before the superlative degree of the adjective word. Examples are given below –

  1. Big – Bigger – The Biggest

  2. Rich – Richer – The Richest

  3. Honest – more honest – the most honest

  4. Far – Further – the furthest

  5. Far – farther – the farthest

  6. Young – Younger – the youngest

  7. Pretty – Prettier – the Prettiest

  8. Clean – Cleaner – the cleanest

  9. Friendly – Friendlier – the friendliest

  10. Good – better – the worst

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Types Of Adjectives For Class 4

Based on the functions and work of the adjective words, adjectives can be divided into various subcategories responsible for describing various attributes and characteristics, and components of the sentences that are formed. The different types of adjectives are as follows:

  1. Descriptive Adjective Words – descriptive adjective words are those adjectives that simply are used to define or describe the different nouns or pronouns used in a sentence.

For example – the cat had sharp nails.

Here the word "sharp" is an adjective used to describe how the nails of the cat were. The nail is an attribute of the cat, and its described using the word "sharp".

Example – I am sleepy.

Here the word sleepy is the adjective used to describe or give information about the main subject in the sentence. 

  1. Quantitative Adjective Words – quantitative adjective words are those adjectives that are usually identified by asking questions related to the amounts or quantity of something.

Example – I have Rs. 500 in my bag.

Here the adjective is a number that can be answered by asking "how much".

For example – the chair has four legs.

Here, the adjective word can be identified by asking "how many" questions. 

  1. Proper Adjective Words – these adjective words are used specifically for particular nouns and pronouns that modify such nouns and pronouns.

Example – I like having Starbucks Coffee.

Here the word "Starbucks" is a proper adjective. It is a proper noun that specifies and describes another noun: coffee.

Example – Shivaji Maharaj was an Indian ruler.

Here Indian is a Proper noun describing another noun which is ruler. So, the word Indian is considered a Proper Adjective Word in this statement. 

  1. Demonstrative Adjective Word – demonstrative adjective words are those adjectives that specifically point something out about another animate or inanimate object.

For example – that building is red.

Here the word "that" specifically points out the building, which is red. It also indicates that the inanimate object is far from the speaking person.

For example – this pen is my cousin's.

Here the word “this” is the demonstrative adjective that points out which pen belongs to the individual. It also indicates that the individual is close to the inanimate object. 

  1. Possessive Adjective Words – this adjective describes possession of some object concerning the speaker.

For example – my toy car is bright red.

In this example, "My" is the possessive adjective word that describes the speaker's possession of the toy car.

Example - Our college will get over soon.

Here, the word “our” describes possession of the college the speakers attend.

  1. Interrogative Adjective Words – these adjective words are used to formulate a question. And in sentence formation, these adjectives are followed by nouns or pronouns regarding which the question is being asked. The most commonly used words are: what, where, why, which, when, etc.

For example – which book are you reading?

Here, the word “which” is the interrogative adjective word. This word is used to ask a question regarding the book, which is a common noun.

For example – when did you reach home?

Here the word "when" is the interrogative adjective word that questions time.

  1. Indefinite Adjective Words – these adjective words are those adjectives that are used to modify nouns and pronouns but in a non-specific manner. These adjectives also provide information about the nouns that it modifies. The most commonly used words are few, many, any, each, every, nobody, some, several, etc.

For example – my mother gave the beggars some food.

Here the word "some" is the indefinite adjective word as it does not quantify the exact amount of food, but it gives some information about the noun.

Example – Rahul wanted to have a few drinks before leaving the party.

Here the word "few" is the indefinite adjective word, as it does not quantify the number of drinks, but it gives some information about the drinks that the subject of the statement consumes.

  1. Compound Adjective Words – these adjective words are compound nouns used to modify the compound nouns and are called compound adjective words. These adjective words are usually written together in a hyphenated manner or can even be joined together using quotation marks.

Example – Ron climbed a 12-feet-high tree in the garden.

Here the word "12-feet-high" is the compound adjective informing about the tree.

For example – the maid has to throw away the broken-down mattress.

Here the word “broken-down” is the compound adjective word used to describe the condition of the mattress, which is a noun.

  1. Absolute Adjective Words – absolute adjective words are those adjectives that are used but are not capable of modifying or enhancing. They cannot be compared to other nouns or adjective words and cannot be intensified too. They may also be called "ultimate, incomparable or absolute modifiers".

It is established that the absolute adjective words are always found in the superlative degree of comparison. But in some cases, several absolute adjective words may contain words like almost, nearly, and virtually that can help quantify absolute adjective words.

For example – the Kohinoor was a unique gem.

Here, "unique" is the absolute adjective word as it is non-comparable and means "one of a kind".

For example – he is alive.

Here the word “alive” is used as an absolute adjective word as there cannot be a comparative word for alive in the sentence formation.


This article describes the word adjective and various Kinds of Adjectives for Class 4 students. This can be used as a guide for Lessons for CBSE class 4 Adjective Chapter in English Grammar and can be utilized to teach online Adjectives Sessions for Class 4 Students. More information related to grammar, visit PlanetSpark website


  1. How many types of Adjectives are there?

Answer – there are nine types of Adjectives in total. They are as follows – Descriptive Adjectives, Quantitative Adjectives, Possession Adjectives, Absolute Adjectives, Proper Adjectives, Interrogative Adjectives, Demonstrative Adjectives, Indefinite Adjectives and Compound Adjectives.

  1. How many degrees of comparison are there in Adjectives?

Answer – there are three degrees of comparison in Adjectives. They are Positive, Comparative and Superlative Degree of Comparison of Adjectives.

  1. Give ten examples of adjectives.

Answer – the examples of adjectives are as follows –

  1. Charming

  2. Gentle

  3. Beautiful

  4. Dirty

  5. Clean

  6. Sharp

  7. Few

  8. Fifty

  9. Which

  10. That

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