Writers Guild

Tue, 06 Nov, 2018

Become a Bucket Filler: 5 simple ways to spread kindness and positivity!

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The metaphor of a bucket filler revolves around the concept that people that do things to make others feel better are considered to be bucket fillers. When our individual bucket is complete, we always feel happy and content. On the other hand, people that make other people feel bad are called bucket dippers. Here are some ways in which you can make a person’s day as well as fill your bucket in the process.

Be kind

Kindness is a quality that every individual should have in them. It means you can always make someone happy by being kind to them and helping them if they face a problem. Rather than being a rude person and making someone sad, you can choose the path of kindness and make someone happy. This will also help you feel good about yourself.

Sharing is caring

We have all heard the famous quote, “Sharing is caring.” While it seems like a cliché, it is a critical point to remember in order to be a bucket filler. When you share with your fellow classmates or workers, it always helps them complete a task faster or can even help them in a more significant way. Hence, sharing is an important quality to adapt to if you want to be a bucket filler and make somebody’s day.

Take turns

Following up on the point of sharing, taking turns is always a good way of being a bucket filler. Taking turns with your friends to complete tasks or play a game always shows how you are a kind person and believe in inequality.

Being respectful

Respect is an essential quality that people should have. Being obedient to your teachers, friends, classmates, and family helps them feel happy and also motivates you to keep being respectful to other people. It is a quality that every good human being has. It makes you a good person as a whole, adds it to your bucket, and becomes a bucket filler for you and for everyone you have been respectful to.

Helping others

It is always said that if you help someone, you will always reap the benefits in some way or the other. Especially helping someone who is struggling is a massive bonus to your bucket. You can make someone’s day and maybe someone’s life by helping them when they are in need. For example, helping your classmates with a subject that they are not very good at acts as an act to become a bucket filler.

These qualities are essential for every bucket filler. They not only fill other people’s buckets but also act as your bucket fillers. They are acts of kindness and of making other people happy. Everybody should be somebody’s bucket filler. 

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