Writers Guild

Tue, 06 Dec, 2022

Create Delicious Homemade Popsicles with Your Kids and Relive Childhood Memories!

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There is no more fun to have popsicles on a hot summer day in the afternoon. Those melting colours, sweetness, and taste brought up childhood innocence. 

Children love popsicles, and it is way more fun to make them. The making process is exciting and a great way to cherish the bond between parents and children. 

Here is a  simple process of making popsicles with children and reliving the moments of innocent childhood again.

Following are some famous slogans by famous Popsicles brands:

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What Are Popsicles?

Popsicles or ice pops are great fun snacks for children and adults. It has more taste, and those slight bursting flavours with melting ice give a cooling feeling from inside and increase the flavour.

But nowadays, parents are worried about buying these popsicles for their children because of preservatives and chemicals. The colours used in the popsicles sometimes do not claim to be entirely safe for children.

The popsicles are more than eighty per cent (80% ) water; the other ingredients are corn syrup or sugar syrup, flavours, and stabiliser. 

Here are details of the ingredients:

So to make your popsicle, you'll need a few easy ingredients and tools like:

  1. Water and refrigerator.

  2. Flavours or natural fruits (any fruits but preferably mango, watermelons, kiwi, strawberries, berries, pineapple, banana, peach, etc.)

( it tastes way better with natural fruits and a better way to introduce different fruits to the children)

  1. Sweetener ( sweet syrups or sugar syrups)

  2. And popsicle silicone moulds and sticks.

Let's dive into the process.

  • First, take a pan. 

  • Now pick up the ingredients like the fruits or flavours. It can be any fruit you prefer. 

  • After that, add the sweetener and lukewarm water to the pan together. 

  • The water should be filled to the mould size. Then add your flavours or fruit juices or pulps or chunks (it can be anything you like).

  • Now mix the popsicle mix. 

  • Now slowly and separately, put the mix in moulds and put a stick in each of them. 

Now it's freezing time!

  • Popsicles need more than five to eight hours of freezing time.

  • So now, carefully, place the moulds into the freezer. 

  • Well, the mould size doesn't need any particular shape. It can be of any shape, whether moon, stars, or heart. 

  • If you don't have any mould, do not worry about it. You can use cups instead of mildew, and the taste will not be compromised.

  • After 8 hours, now your popsicles are ready to unfreeze from the moulds and enjoy themselves.

Final Words

We all know that kids love to have popsicles as well as adults. So make these popsicles together be just a mouth whole snack and a great way to enjoy childhood and enhance the relationships between parents and their kids.

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  1. What are the popsicles?

Popsicles are pretty cooling ice sticks with different kinds of flavours.

  1. Are popsicles preservative free?

Sometimes the popsicles come preservative-free. But most manufacturers use preservatives to ensure longer shelf-life.

  1. Are there any colours being used in popsicles?

Yes, sometimes colours are being used in popsicles. 

  1. Are popsicles safe for children?

Popsicles are safe for children. However, eating too many is not recommended.

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