The art of Public Speaking

Sun, 22 May, 2022

Empowering girls through education - A speech on Girls’ Education!

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Speech on Girls’ Education

Women make up 50% of the population, yet their education rate is substantially lower compared to men. Educating women is not just about empowering women or feminism, but it is also about raising the education level of our population as a whole.

There are many reasons for this, but patriarchy is the primary umbrella under which all of these causes come. Patriarchy is a societal structure where men are the head of the family. Unfortunately, this has led to men looking down on women and thinking that they should only be restricted to household chores.

Even today, in many villages, people do not educate the girls because they do not see any point in it. Once girls grow up, they are instantly married off and expected to take care of their families and do nothing more.

However, educating women is more than just about them doing work outside the home. It has been statistically seen that in houses where the mother is educated, the children tend to be educated better as well as grow up respecting women more.

Hurdles In Educating Girls

Moreover, school fees tend to be quite high in many schools, especially in big cities. Due to this, many families face difficult financial situations, and when families can only afford to send only one of the children to school, they end up sending the male child.

Another big factor that has been a hurdle to girls' education is menstruation. Even when women and girls are educated, people send them to all-girl schools in villages. The number of girls' schools continues to be very low.

Hence, girls need to travel a significant distance to reach their schools. When girls start menstruating, travelling that distance becomes a difficult task since there are still no proper washrooms in many village schools, and women still don't have access to sanitary pads.

Educating our girls is necessary to change our society's thought process and be able to bring diverse opinions to every field. It is something we should all try our best to support as a country is only as much developed as its women. It is necessary for the government to create more girls' schools, create washrooms, increase sanitary pad awareness, and take many more steps to help improve girls' education.

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  1. What Is The Importance Of Girls' Education?

The literacy rate of a country improves when the girl receives an education.

  1. Why should a girl be educated?

A girl should be educated so that they have their own identity.

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