Confidence Building

Fri, 26 Oct, 2018

Become confident with our Intermediate Personality Development course at PlanetSpark

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About Personality Development Course For Intermediates

Academic progress is essential, but a matchless and well-rounded personality assists your child in standing out in the crowd. A good personality is very important for young kids. The earlier you give priority to it, the better.

Several components define a personality, such as character, environment, behaviour, and attitude. By mixing all these components, an individual's personality gets its shape. So, PlanetSpark tries to incorporate all of these elements in personality development courses for intermediate kids.

Our course helps your child build up confidence that assists in taking some significant steps in their life. After personality development training for intermediate, it is easy for your child to crack exams and meet other challenges. Moreover, learning the skills which contribute to personality development builds up their unique characters.

PlanetSpark offers intermediate personality development training that helps in boosting leadership skills, self-esteem, and general awareness. Children learn about proper time management, increase their creativity skills, untie the purpose of life, study, set up goals, and many more things.

Personality initiates from your thought process and finishes with your destiny. Your personality is something that defines your destiny. If you want to bring changes in your child's destiny, change their personality. Here change means self-improvement, along with self-development.

If you are looking for multi-directional growth of your kids, make them join personality development training for intermediates from PlanetSpark.

BOOK a FREE Confidence Class for your child now!

The curriculum for personality development course for intermediates mainly includes:

  • Personal development

  • Time management

  • Creativity

  • Lifestyle design

  • Personal transformation

  • Life purpose

  • Lifestyle design

  • Personal productivity

  • Goal setting

Your child’s personality is responsible for determining not only the success in their career, but also their entire attitude as well as behaviour towards life. It is an amalgamation of several characteristics as well as appearances that involve the thought process, communication capabilities, attitude, and physical attributes.

 Here is a complete round-up of what a personality entails

Assist your child in building a strong personality with the best personality development class for intermediate level from PlanetSpark.

Parent's Role In Developing Child's Personality

As a parent, you have a massive role in developing your child's personality. Besides enrolling in personality development training for intermediates, there are a few things you must do as a parent. This assists in quick growth and achievements.

  • Keep in mind that every child is unique

Not all children have equal personalities. It's your role as a parent to develop good personalities by becoming very sensitive as well as responsive to all particular strengths as well as requirements of your child.

  • Do not label

If you want your child's personality to develop on its own without anyone's influence, even yours, then never label your child.

  • Try to be a role model

Learning always starts at home. Children often look at their parents and start imitating their behaviours. So, try to be a good role model for your children. Set a good example for your kids.

  • Always pay attention

Track your children's behaviour and how they are managing situations. Pay good attention to their activities as well as interests.

  • Be kind to their shortcomings

Even though you want your kid to excel in everything, it needs some effort. As a parent, it's your role not to express any disappointment in any of the shortcomings of your child. Accept the unique abilities of your child and encourage them.

  • Be a good listener

A child often craves attention, especially when they are developing their language skills. You must listen to their stories patiently and make them feel secure. This also sets the priority for them to be a good listener.

  • Makes more independent

While caring for children, parents frequently overlook the vitality of instilling independence. It is imperative to make them know about their responsibilities. 

Start with some simple responsibilities such as making them pack their school bag, pick up their toys after they are done with playing, doing homework with minimal supervision. This enhances a child's responsibility and offers them a complete sense of achievement.

Even though a maximum number of parents assist the child in developing a good personality, many of them do not have time to do so. A personality development course for 8-9 years old assists them in learning all required skills that they require for success in life.

Looking to give your child a head start in developing their personality? Talk to our expert and book a FREE class now!

Personality Development Course For 9-Year-Old Kids

A powerful combination of highly engaging content, robust technology along with competent teachers make the PlanetSpark course fun and interactive. The course is crafted carefully to impart confidence, social adjustments, interaction, environmental adaptations, and several other skills. It forms a perfect foundation for a great personality.

It offers a wide range of offerings for the overall development of intermediate kids like

  • Good communication skills

  • Creative writing

  • Spellings and Phonics

  • Grammar genius

  • Reading comprehension

  • Vocabulary wondering

  • Reading and writing

  • Public speaking

  • Debating

With these personality development training for intermediates, parents can assist their kids in building up their confidence and transforming their overall personalities. Not only that, but also it assists them in taking some significant steps in their life, and their life will be a cakewalk for them.

Benefits Of Intermediate Personality Development Classes

  • Makes your child more confident

When your child has a good personality, they will have tremendous confidence in taking significant steps in life. A well-groomed child can easily crack all future interviews easily, pursue higher studies, and face all problematic situations with utmost ease and balance. Not only that, but also it empowers them to hold an intense conversation with anybody without anxiety or nervousness.

  • Increases communication skills

In the best personality development class for intermediates, a lot of priority is given to enhancing communication skills. It helps in growing a successful personal and professional life. It is a vital part of personality as well as character development. In school, it assists your child in answering freely without any kind of judgement. So, the confidence for communicating without any hesitation is built.

  • Builds optimism

With the best personality development course for an 8-year-old, the child develops a strong and positive attitude in life. Positivity is essential for growth. It includes sharing, sympathy, and a great outlook towards every circumstance. 

You should make sure that the kid always looks at the bright side of the situation to solve issues effectively. Your child develops a strong attitude in dealing with life's challenging situations.

  • Enhances personality skills

With novel and innovative teaching, your child develops the best personality traits. Some essential personality traits include

  • A strong character

  • Good speaking style of students

  • Teamwork

  • Leadership skills

  • Working in collaboration

  • Proper time management

All these efforts help in making sure your child develops a well-balanced personality.

Personality involves a person's thought pattern, communication abilities, along with attitudes. It is an essential aspect of life that helps in setting a child apart from others. At PlanetSpark, we impart great personality into a child through some of the best personality development courses for intermediates. The curriculum of these courses helps in the overall development of a child.

Watch your child transform into a confident and successful individual with our personalised personality development training.

FAQS On Intermediate Personality Development Classes

  1. Why should I enrol my kids in a personality development course?

A child's persona is shaped by character, attitude, environment, and behaviour. These will not develop all by themselves; instead, a person has to work constantly on them. It adds to self-confidence and self-esteem and positively affects communication and representation skills. A personality development course at Planet Spark helps develop a child persona with all necessary skills.

  1. Will a personality development course for intermediate students play an essential role in a child's career?

Personal growth has a significant impact on anybody's career. A habit of staying calm in difficult situations and working under pressure plays a vital role in increasing personality. Moreover, other factors like technical skills and extracurricular skills open up various opportunities for any individual.

  1. At what age should I pay attention to a child's personality?

As per the expert's recommendation, personality development must be commenced at a very young age. A personality development course for intermediates helps in perfectly shaping the child's personality.

  1. How do you teach my intermediate-level child personality development?

With highly engaging content, the best technology, and proficient teachers, we offer you the best learning experiences in an environment that is fun to learn and helps in mastering important concepts of life.

  1. What are some top personality development activities for intermediates?

Planet spark assists a child in developing a strong personality through various activities like relevant art activities, public speaking, music training, puzzle practising, storytelling, Role-playing games, and many more. Overall, our personality development course for 8-9 years old makes your child 21st ready.

  1. Is this course helpful for enhancing collaboration skills in a child?

PlanetSpark's personality development course for intermediates helps children make confident communication and focuses on various collaboration activities and public speaking for kids.

  1. What are the key factors that affect personality development in a kid?

Temperament and environment are two factors that put an impact on the personality of your kid.

  1. What are various topics covered in personality development classes?

Body language, problem solving skills, management of stress and conflicts, Decision making skills , Leadership qualities, time management, work ethics, good manners and etiquettes.

  1. Can I get a free trial class before enrolling in class ?

Yes, you can avail a free demo class before enrolling.

  1. Are classes available in groups or is it 1:1 live classes?

You have both the options, and you can choose as per your convenience.

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