Writers Guild

Tue, 07 Jun, 2022

Jack is a dachshund and stands out among his border collie siblings who bully him for being different!

Jack, a dachshund, is easily noticeable among his border collie siblings, who bully him for being different. Jack is set on proving he can herd sheep just as well as them.

Grandma always scolds me for getting up late. But she never says anything to Bill–isn’t that unfair? I agree that Bill studies late and scribbles funny-looking figures (I have found out this has a weird name–maths). But, what is my fault?

No disturbance–we are dachshunds.

I can’t sleep until Bill switches off the room light. I also need a comfortable bed with a soft mattress and absolutely no disturbance while sleeping. Us dachshunds like to snuggle on the couch with our favourite person (you know the name–Bill), but we never want to be left alone. Boredom kills us.

 Please don't leave me alone.

They all have understood that now. The last time when I was left alone for hours, I became restless and tore up the sofa. I realised my mistake and apologised, but grandma still slapped me. I felt like weeping.

Are you comparing me with those working-class collies?

You must understand my class and status and that you cannot compare me with my uncivilised neighbours–those brute collie siblings who try all the tricks to bully me. But I am intelligent and know my way out.

I know both–my job and pedigree.

Do those collie siblings have any background to share? Do they know what the inside of a palace or mansion looks like? Herding sheep is all they can do. Herding sheep is no big deal for me, but I will not go out with the collies. See, at the end of the day, intelligence makes a dog work. 

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  1. What is the origin of the border collie breed?

A border collie is a  breed of herding dog; they originate from the Anglo-Scottish border region.

  1. What is the nature of the border collie breed?

Collies have a heritage of breeding sheep and are generally known as working dogs. Border collies require more daily physical exercises and mental stimulation than many other breeds of working dogs.

  1. How big is a dachshund?

The dachshund is a short-legged long-bodied dog breed and is usually between 35 cm to 47 cm in height with a short wire-haired coat.

  1. Is the dachshund a popular dog?

The dachshund is popular with pet lovers across the globe and is among the top ten most popular dog breeds in the US.

  1. Which dog is more intelligent, the dachshund or the border collie?

The border collie breed is considered one of the most intelligent dogs. Dachshunds are moderately intelligent, fun-loving, and loyal companions who make good watchdogs

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