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Wed, 02 Feb, 2022

Methods of making your own nut butter at home!

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Making nut butter at home is not that difficult. Anyone can make it with the right recipes. The process will be to do a Roast! And then do a Blend!

All that you require is a food processor and nuts of your choice.

Ingredients Required 

To make nut butter, you need to have nuts. You can choose from the following nuts or any else of your choice:

  • Almonds

  • Walnuts

  • Cashews

  • Hazelnuts

  • Pecans

You may also make a tasty, multidimensional butter by combining a couple of different nuts. Begin with organic, raw almonds. You can add some walnuts for omega-3s. However, hazelnuts and pecans produce great butter on their own. There are so many nuts to pick from!

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Method Of Making Nut Butter

  • Roast

You can dry roast your nuts on a preheated pan or use the oven. Start by preheating your oven to 350°F. Then line a baking sheet with butter paper and spread out all of your nuts. Roast at least for 6 to 8 minutes until lightly toasted. Remove from the oven and keep them aside to cool.

  • Peel the skin

Some nuts, such as walnuts and hazelnuts, have very bitter skin that can affect your final product's flavour and texture. However, most skin can easily be removed using a straightforward method: After you have roasted the nuts, place them in the centre of a clean, dry dishcloth, fold it, and rub the nuts quickly. This will cause some of the skin to shed, but not all of it. 

It will be your choice to keep the skin or peel it off.

  • Blend

To make creamy, delicious nut butter, use a food processor or high-speed blender. No requirement of adding oil, water, or sweetener. Adding additives like oil, water, or maple syrup tends to upset the creamy texture and should be avoided.

Blending takes 10-12 minutes on average, so be patient! It is well worth the wait.

Here are some famous nut butter brands:


With the process discussed above, you can produce homemade nut butter. It is that simple.

Creating nut butter at home lets you make mixtures, experiment with unique combinations, control the salt amount, and save money! That's incredible. 

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  1. How long will homemade nut butter keep?

Homemade nut butter will keep in the fridge for approximately a month and up to three months in the freezer. It might become rancid faster because homemade nut butter does not contain preservatives like most store-bought nut butter.

  1. Why is my homemade peanut butter not creamy?

Examine the peanut butter's consistency. If it is still too thick, restart the machine and add another tablespoon of oil. Do this with very few spoonfuls of oil to avoid making the peanut butter too thin.

  1. Is it possible to make butter from all nuts?

However, hazelnuts and pecans produce great butter on their own. There are so many nuts to pick from! Alternatively, go for seeds! Sunflower seeds also make fantastic butter.

  1. Can we use syrup while making nut butter?

No, it is suggested not to use any additives such as syrups while making nut butter.

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