
Mon, 11 Apr, 2022

Should students be allowed to have their cell phones with them during school?

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Most parents of children currently enrolled in schools did not even have access to a fixed-line phone while they were in junior classes. Their parents still communicated with teachers, and important news managed to get through. Circumstances today are different. During the COVID-forced lockdown, mobile phones and laptops became an important learning tool as educational institutions switched to online classes. It is true that technology can aid learning. Is allowing cellphones in school a good idea?

An Unnecessary Distraction 

Cellphones in the classroom will create an unnecessary distraction. Some American states that allowed cellphones eventually banned these to remove distractions. Notably, instead of focusing on learning skills, students were spending time texting and checking their social media accounts. If they are looking at their cell phones multiple times during a class, students are likely to miss out on important lessons.

Not All Kids Are Equal

Allowing students to carry mobile phones in school will be against the idea of homogeneity that a school setting promises. Indian students are supposed to wear uniforms, some well into college, as they come from different backgrounds. Not all students can afford a fancy, super-expensive smartphone. This will bring forth the class divide and make most students uncomfortable.

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Parents, Teachers Are Well-Connected

Most schools have messaging groups and forums where teachers share updates, and parents can ask questions related to academics and more. In case of emergencies, school teachers can directly inform parents or vice versa. At school, the child is the responsibility of the institution. Allowing them to bring and use a cell phone will disrupt the sanctity of a campus. 

Useful For Home Assignments 

Some people believe that cell phones can serve as learning aids, and allow teachers to use digital platforms for lessons. This can be done as a homework activity instead of an in-class exercise. Schools have ample multimedia tools to keep children engaged. Students can be given assignments to find more resources about a subject online. 


Allowing students to carry cell phones will hamper their learning as they are distractive. Some students may make inappropriate use of the cell phone. They may use camera phones to bully or harass other students and cheat on tests. Cell phones can also be lost or stolen. Visit PlanetSpark for more information on related topics.


  1. Should students be allowed to keep mobile phones at school?

Smartphones can serve as a learning tool, but will also create a distraction during valuable learning time.

  1. What are the disadvantages of cell phones in school?

Students can use their camera phones to cheat or harass other students. Their phones may be lost or stolen at school.

  1. Can cell phones supplement learning?

Yes, a cell phone can aid learning, allowing teachers to use digital platforms for lessons. 

  1. Is it OK for an 11-year-old to have a phone?

Cell phones allow children to surf the internet without any monitoring and should be used with discretion.

  1. What is the effect of cell phones at school?

Researchers have found that a drop in students’ academic performance is directly linked to increased use of cell phones.

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