The art of Public Speaking

Mon, 13 May, 2019

Speech on the topic: Importance and value of Time!

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What Is The Value Of Time?

Time is one of those tools that needs to be used and managed accurately in our lives. A person who manages their time efficiently is likely to be more successful in life. Time is valuable as lost time never returns. People who understand the importance of being punctual and managing their time carefully and wisely are usually very successful in their professional careers and personal lives.

What Is The Importance Of Time?

In our lives, time management is very important. It is one of the critical aspects of professional achievement in any field. It teaches us patience and how to multitask, i.e., manage many tasks at a time. Many of us make excuses that we do not have enough time to complete all our responsibilities efficiently. However, the real purpose for their failure is a lack of time management in their lives.

How can we better employ our time to improve our knowledge and professional skill?

It depends upon people’s abilities on the way they set their priorities and utilise their golden hours to perform regular activities. So, it's vital to appreciate the time and use it wisely. For living a better and happy existence, it is wise to be punctual and manage time efficiently.

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  1. Why is it essential to be on time constantly in your personal and professional lifestyle?

Managing your work becomes easy whilst you spend suitable time on it. You have extra loose time, and consequently, it's far an advantage to have greater possibilities for learning.

  1. Why do you need to value the importance of time?

Time is the most powerful and most robust aspect of anything else in the world. If you don’t feel time for once, time will damage you with irreversible consequences on your career and future goals.

  1. What is the major goal to meet time control and time management goals in your personal lives?

You ought to be particular with the concern work and meet your dreams as they should be. It will assist you in being prepared with time control.

  1. What happens if you are unable to do time management?

You might not be able to achieve your full potential and highest academic success if you are unable to do time management.

  1. What is the best method to do time management?

The best method to do time management is to make a daily routine and follow it with a consistent attitude every day in your life.

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