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Mon, 18 Nov, 2019

Teach Prepositions to Class 3 kids in the easiest way!

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The concept of English Prepositions may look slightly difficult initially. However, as you learn more about Class 3 English Prepositions, you will discover it is simpler. Once you know the uses of prepositions, go to the section - Preposition Assignments for Class 3 and solve the exercises without any help from your parents and teachers. You can check whether your answers are correct or not in the Solutions provided at the end.

Let's get started!

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Basic Concept Of Preposition For Class 3

Prepositions are those words that combine with a noun or pronoun to establish a relationship with other elements in a sentence. Prepositions are used before any noun or pronoun.

Examples of 10 commonly used Prepositions are - in, on, at, for, of, to by, from, with, and without.

Let's understand the function of prepositions with a few examples.

Sentence 1 - Flowers grow in the garden.

In the above sentence, IN is the preposition placed before the noun= Garden. It helps us to understand the connection between Flowers and gardens.

Sentence 2 – She is returning from school.

In the above sentence, FROM is the preposition placed before the noun School. The connection between She (a pronoun) and School is clearly understood because of the presence of a preposition FROM in the sentence.

Sentence 3 – Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.

In the above sentence, ON is the preposition. How do we know about the relation between Humpty Dumpty and the wall? We know it because there is this preposition ON, which clearly states the position of Humpty & Dumpty.

Sentence 4 – Binu stayed at home.

In the above sentence, the preposition AT is placed just before the noun Home to make it clear to us how Binu and home are related to each other.

Sentence 5 – Priya ran without her shoes.

In the above sentence, the preposition WITHOUT is used to set up the relation between Priya and her shoes.

Prepositions For Class 3 - Types Of Relations Expressed By The Prepositions

As we have seen in the above sentences, prepositions can be used to express various forms of relations between Nouns/Pronouns and other elements in the sentence. Some specific usage of Prepositions are explained here:

Prepositions are used as time.

  • My examination will start from 1st April.

  • My father is coming on Monday.

In both these sentences, prepositions FROM and ON are used to show time.

Prepositions used as Place or Position.

  • The book is under the table.

  • Ali lives in Haryana.

In the above sentences, the two prepositions UNDER and IN specify a certain place and position.

There are other Prepositions that we often use to describe a place or position. These Prepositions are - near, behind, above, below, inside, outside, around, etc.

Prepositions are Used to Indicate an instrument or agent.

  • Cut the apple with a knife.

  • The house was destroyed by fire.

In the above two sentences, the two prepositions WITH and BY indicate an agent.

Prepositions Used to Indicate Cause / Reason.

  • We selected a place for a picnic.

  • Rajesh is suffering from a stomach ache.

In the first sentence, the preposition FOR shows us the cause of selecting a place. In the second sentence, the preposition FROM shows us the reason for Rajesh's suffering.

English Grammar Prepositions For Class 3: Unique Usage Of Some Prepositions

There are some words that are followed by a particular preposition.

For Example:

  • Agra is famous for the Taj Mahal.

The word Famous is followed by the preposition FOR.

  • We must rely on hard work.

The word Rely is followed by the preposition ON.

  • My mother is not satisfied with my marks.

The word Satisfied is followed by the preposition WITH.

  • He depends on his sister.

The word Depend is followed by the preposition ON.

  • Anita is different from her sister.

The word Different is followed by the preposition FROM.

  • I am afraid of darkness.

The word Darkness is followed by the preposition OF.

  • Jeetu is fond of cricket.

The word Fond is followed by the preposition OF.

  • Beware of Dogs.

The word Beware is followed by the preposition OF.

  • My cousin did not reply to my letter.

The word Reply is followed by the preposition TO.

  • Aditi is good at singing.

The preposition that comes after the word Good is AT.

If you can remember the prepositions associated with these above-mentioned words, it will help you to use correct Prepositions in any new sentence.

Learn Class 3 English Prepositions with some more new words in the following sentences:

  1. Samir sat between Pradeep and Ravi.

  2. Neeraj is among the top runners in the school.

  3. My house is near the railway station.

  4. I waited till Saturday

  5. Come inside the classroom.

  6. July comes after June.

  7. The bus ran over a street dog.

  8. The cat jumped off the fence.

  9. The pet dog was walking behind him.

  10. Lisa came before me.

  11. The kitten sat upon a cupboard.

  12. Finish your homework within an hour.

  13. I have not met Amit since last December.

  14. The ball went beyond the boundary wall.

  15. They were looking through the classroom window.

ASSIGNMENTS FOR PRACTICE - CBSE Class 3 English Prepositions

 Underline the preposition in the following sentence.

  1. I wrote to my grandmother yesterday,

  2. I am searching for my notebook.

  3. A baby fell into the well.

  4. I have no house to live in.

  5. Monday comes after Sunday.

  6. He was standing behind the door.

  7. I pray to God for his recovery.

  8. They may come on Sunday.

  9. We have not met my aunt for many years.

  10. Call that boy with a blue bag.

Choose the correct Preposition to fill in the blanks

  1. I write ____________ a pen. (with / to)

  2. He bathes ____________ cold water. (with / in)

  3. Children go __________ school. (to / of)

  4. I was cutting a paper ___________ scissors (with / by)

  5. We shall go ____________ bus. (by / from)

  6. Look ________ the beautiful peacock. (for / at)

  7. The tank is full _________ fish. (of / for)

  8. We use pencil ___________ writing. (of / for)

  9. I am angry _____________ you. (with / from)

  10. I want _________ (to / at) go ___________ (to / into) the market _____________ (by / for) buying clothes.

Identify Correct / Incorrect Usage of Preposition.

  1. He quarreled with his sister.

  2. His mother is suffering of a fever.

  3. Just believe in yourself.

  4. A sage was sitting under the tree.

  5. Little Neha sat on a corner.

  6. January is the first month from the year.


Q. 1. What is a Preposition?

Ans. In any given sentence, the preposition is placed before a noun or pronoun. It can express the relationship between that noun/pronoun and other components in the sentence.

Q.2. Should we use capital letters for the first letter of a preposition word?

Ans. No, we need not use capital letters for a Preposition.

Q.3. How to identify a preposition?

Ans. Prepositions are those words in a sentence that helps us define time, place, position, agent, cause, purpose, etc.

Q.4. Can we use more than one preposition in a sentence?

Ans. Yes, we can use more than one preposition in a sentence. For example – I go to school by bus. 

Q.5. Can we use two preposition words together?

Ans. As we have learned, a preposition is mainly used before a noun or pronoun.


Underline the Preposition in the Following Sentences.

  1. I wrote to my grandmother yesterday,

  2. I am searching for my notebook.

  3. A baby fell into the well.

  4. I have no house to live.

  5. Monday comes after Sunday.

  6. He was standing behind the door.

  7. I pray to God for his recovery.

  8. They may come on Sunday.

  9. We have not met my aunt for many years.

  10. Call that boy with a blue bag.

Choose the Correct Preposition to Fill in the Blanks:

  1. I write with a pen.

  2. He bathes in cold water.

  3. Children go to school.

  4. I was cutting paper with scissors.

  5. We shall go by bus.

  6. Look at the beautiful peacock.

  7. The tank is full of fish.

  8. We use pencils for writing.

  9. I am angry with you.

  10. I want to go to the market to buy clothes.

Identify Correct / Incorrect Usage of Preposition - Solved

  1. He quarreled with his sister.                         Correct Sentence

  2. His mother is suffering of a fever.                 Incorrect Sentence

  3. Just believe in yourself.                                Correct Sentence

  4. A sage was sitting under the tree.                Correct Sentence

  5. Little Neha sat on a corner.                           Incorrect Sentence

  6. January is the first month from the year.       Incorrect Sentence

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