Grammar Fanatic

Mon, 04 Nov, 2019

Teach Verbs to Class 4 kids in the easiest way!


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In this article, we will be learning about the CBSE Class 4 English Grammar Verb. It will help you in preparing for your examination. A word used to describe an action that forms part of a sentence is called a verb. Similar to nouns, verbs also form an essential part of the sentence. Verbs can be sentences by themselves with the subject in most cases. For example: Walk!, Draw!, etc. While verbs are told as doing words, not all of them are identifiable. Sometimes, verbs can be non-action words as well. For example, I know how to sing, I thought about you, I felt happy, etc. One of the easiest ways to recognize a verb is that it appears after a noun or a pronoun. Verbs can be classified into Physical Verbs, Mental Verbs, and State of Being Verbs. Verbs are also classified into Action Verbs, Transitive Verbs, Intransitive Verbs, Auxiliary Verbs, Stative Verbs, Modal Verbs, Phrasal Verbs, and Irregular Verbs. An in-depth understanding of the Verbs for Class 4 can be gained from this article. But, if you want to dig deeper and make your child master the English Language! Then BOOK a FREE Class NOW!

Physical, Mental, And State Of Being Verbs

To Learn Verbs for Class 4, one can look through this article, and the inputs are given below to get a clear-cut view of its usage and application.

  • Physical Verbs

Physical verbs describe the actions done explicitly by the subjects that can be seen.


  1. I hear the sound of the birds chirping.

  1. Let’s walk to the grocery store.

  1. Run! It’s raining.

  1. Let us build sandcastles near the beach.

Here, the words “hear, walk, run and build” are the physical verbs that describe the action.

  • Mental Verbs

Mental verbs are verbs that denote mental action. The concepts like understanding, thinking, feeling, planning, observing, discovering, inventing, etc., form part of the mental verb meaning. Verbs like decide, think, consider, invent, etc., are mental verbs.


  1. I know how to cook.

  1. She believes that I am the author of this book.

  1. Raju identifies his twin friends correctly.

You are still confused about how to place the correct form of verbs in sentences? Well, PlanetSpark is the perfect destination to cater to your needs.

2. State of Being Verbs

State of being verbs identify the conditions and the state at which the subject exists. These states of being verbs are said to be inactive because no actions are being performed. Most of the verbs are the forms of “be” and are complemented mainly by adjectives. The examples for CBSE Class 4 English Grammar Verbs are well explained.

There are eight states of being verbs. They are: 

  • Is


  1. Azra is a singer.

  1. Ramu is an intelligent boy.


  • Are


  1. The boys are very naughty.

  1. The flowers are vibrant.


  • Am


  1. I am living in Delhi.

  2. I am going to Dubai next month.


  • Was


  1. Kunal was part of the school choir.

  1. Ashok was late to school yesterday.


  • Be


  1. The students can be seated after the prayer.

  1. I can be a good girl.


  • Being


  1. Thai food was being cooked by my neighbor.

  1. She is being taken to school by her Father.


  • Were


  1. Ramu and Shamu were absent today.

  1. Kapish and Kalia were planning to visit the jungle.


  • Been


  1. The injured have been taken to the hospital.

  1. Sidharth has been sick the entire week.

To have a clear understanding of the usage of verbs, head straight to PlanetSpark! The other kinds of verbs are explained in detail below. The following is the List of Verbs For Kids Verbs for Class 4.

  • Action Verbs

Action verbs need not necessarily describe physical actions. When a discussion is required to describe the action or happening of something, these verbs can be used.


  1. Ovieya can run faster than Kavya.

  1. Adhi does his homework regularly.

  1. Kishen thinks about enrolling in a dance school all day.

  1. Monkeys jump from one tree to the other.


  • Transitive Verbs

A verb that accepts more than one object is called a transitive verb. In simple terms, it can be told that transitive verbs express double activities that relate to someone or something. It is also said that transitive verbs make sense only when their action is exerted on an object.


  1. Suppandi kicked the football very hard.

  1. Rita boiled 3 eggs for dinner.

  1. Arjun shot the arrow right into the bird’s eye.


  • Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verbs are a combination of words that are used together to convey a different meaning to the original verb. Generally, phrasal verbs are not single words, and they come as a combination of two or more words. Some phrasal verbs are "run out, makeup, hand out, face-up", etc. A lot of examples for CBSE Class 4 English Verb Online on phrasal verbs can be referred to.


  1. Megha decided to cut down on her expenses.

  1. Arjit wanted to drop out of school.

  1. Ashish picked up his nephew from kindergarten.


  • Intransitive Verbs

Intransitive verbs are active verbs that express the activities that can be done. Here, in intransitive verbs, no direct object is allowed. This stands apart from transitive verbs and takes more than one object. In simple terms, intransitive verbs cannot be followed with questions like who or what.


  1. Sita sneezed very loudly, and the whole class turned toward her.

  1. It rained heavily last night. 

  1. Ram eats parathas for breakfast every day.


  • Auxiliary Verbs

Auxiliary verbs are helping words that help in expressing the verb’s tense or form. Auxiliary verbs cannot exist by themselves in a sentence. These verbs connect with both action verbs and linking verbs to add a sense of mood, voice and modality to the verbs. A lot of 4 Class English Verb examples can be referred to get a clear understanding.


  1. I will reach home by 7 pm.

  1. Rekha might board the train tomorrow morning.

  1. Krithi should stop eating a lot of chocolates.


  • Irregular Verbs

Irregular verbs are verbs that do not follow regular patterns. There are a lot of irregular verbs in the English Language. Most of these verbs are either often used or not used commonly. Examples of List of Verbs for Kids Verbs for Class 4 regarding irregular verbs are, eat, think, buy, catch, etc.


  1. I do not agree with his terms and conditions.

  1. Rohit paid his son’s school fees this morning.

  1. I eat almonds every day.


  • Stative Verbs

A stative verb describes the state of being rather than the action. These verbs are related to thoughts, emotions, feelings, state of being, etc.


  1. I believe the teacher is right.

  1. Rohan disagreed with his mother.

  1. Reema prefers coffee to tea.


  • Modal Verbs

Modal verbs are helping verbs that can be used while expressing ability, possibility, permission, obligation, request, capacity, order, suggestion, etc. A lot of 4 Class English Verb examples can be referred to get a clear understanding of Modal Verbs.


  1. Sarah could not make it to the meeting.

  1. One must start walking when the traffic light turns red.

  1. Urmila can swim very well.

These examples help to Learn Verbs for Class 4 very easily.

Still not clear with the kinds of verbs and their application? Enroll a course with PlanetSpark to make sure your child gets the best knowledge!




In this article, we have learned about the various kinds of verbs and how they are used in a sentence or phrase. The basic principles that are used to identify the type of verb are also learned here. There is a lot of detailing to each of these types, and one can learn Verb for Class 4 with the help of this article. In order to understand the basics of grammar and how these verbs can be placed in between the words of a sentence or phrase, one can enroll in a course with PlanetSpark to make sure the basics are covered with a stronger foundation.


  1. What are the three main kinds of verbs?

The three main kinds of verbs are linking verbs, action verbs, as well as helping verbs. An Action verb is a word that expresses the action of the subject that forms part of the sentence. Linking verbs connect the subject with the noun or adjective in a sentence or phrase. Helping verbs are used before action or linking verbs to convey additional information to the reader.

  1. What is the function of a verb?

A verb is known as the heart of a sentence or clause as it describes the subject’s actions. These actions can be either physical or feeling. Verbs are the only words that have the basic necessity to frame a sentence. There might not be nouns in every sentence, but to make a sentence a verb is necessary. CBSE Class 4 English Grammar Verb examples can be referred to as having an understanding of the functions of a verb. 

  1. What are the most important features of verbs?

The five most important features of a verb are Person, Mood, Voice, Number, and Tense. These features determine the form of a verb and enable us to know how it is used in a sentence. The more the number of verbs, the more the number of persons or things involved in the subject matter.

  1. What is the direct object of a verb?

A direct object is a word that receives the action of the verb. Intransitive verbs do not require an object to act for. For example, The students play football. Here, football is the object. The wordplay is the verb. 

  1. What is the basic difference between a verb and an adverb?

Verbs are used to describe actions, whereas adverbs are used to describe any word. 

  • Amit cooked the meal ------ (cooked is a form of a verb)

  • The weather looks beautiful ----- (beautiful is a form of adverb)

Articles are just the start! Make your child an expert in Grammar by booking a FREE class with PlanetSpark English Language Trainer!

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