These 3 tips can help your child to master conversational skills!

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How To Learn Conversation Skills For Kids

The ability to comprehensively share ideas, feelings, and events is an essential skill. It allows individuals to fully express themselves and jump through some of the major hurdles of adulthood easily. But learning to describe conversation skills for kids' development starts at an early age and can be difficult to master. Persistence and practice can, however, make it easy. The question then arises- how to develop 'describe' conversation skills in kids early? More importantly, how to describe in English anyway?

Describe Conversation Skills in English

Conversations are the backbone of all sorts of work. No matter the field, communicating properly is a necessary skill. Being unable to master conversation skill activity properly can have a lot of impact on the personal and professional lives of the individual. Conversation skills activities are the ones that allow people to put the right words to thoughts and feelings. learning to describe conversation skills for children can have a lot of positives; some of them are listed below: 

  • Learn to be communicative

  • Can understand how they feel and put them into words

  • Able to convey a message properly

  • Being expressive can help strengthen bonds with others

Being descriptive is one of the most important skills in professional and personal life. Professionally, you need to be able to get all your ideas across, be it verbally or in writing. Moreover, conversation skills activity is one of the most important things to master. It is imperative to communicate feelings and problems properly as it is the most basic requirement to resolve any issue. Enriching your child's life with communication-based skills like conversation skills activities is one of the best things you can give them. Give your child a kickstart in their learning to describe the conversation in English by registering them in PlanetSpark's growth-focused courses. BOOK a FREE Session here to get a glimpse!

What are some things to be mindful of when learning to describe conversation skills?

While kids can learn how to communicate by connecting with their environment, putting a conscious effort and emphasis on a proper conversation skill activity can impart a lot of knowledge and skills. There are some things to be mindful of when your kids are developmental. Kids are rather impressionable, and it is thus important to watch how adults react around them and the kinds of words they use. Listed below are some practices that you can adopt to help the children learn conversation skills. 

  • Be descriptive

You have to be open and communicative to help your children communicate. Ensure that you talk about things in detail. Elaborate on complex ideas, but make sure to keep your words simple. Practicing this can help your kids develop some great conversation skills by learning to describe conversation skills. 

  • Talk slowly

It may be hard for children to understand some things if the flow of the sentences is too fast. Slowing down and emphasizing the important bits can help overcome this and help your kids learn to describe conversation skills. 

  • Hold more Eye Contact

There is a saying- 'kids see, kids do'. Essentially what you do around your kids, they will do it too- so holding more eye contact can make you come across as open, truthful, and communicative. Over time, children learn to do this too, and learn one of the most important aspects of conversation skills- maintaining eye contact. Help your child in mastering more such techniques by BOOKING a FREE Session with our Expert today!

Some At- Home conversation skill activities to learn to describe conversation skills for your kids

Doing certain activities can help develop children's communication skills. These conversation skill activities are bound to help them. And the best part is that you do not need a lot of stuff to do them. They can easily be done from the comfort of your home. Some of the most effective conversation skill activities for students are listed below.

  •  Make-Believe Phone Calls 

Social cues and body language are a big part of communication. But it can be difficult to communicate in the absence of physical presence because body language is not visible to the participants of a conversation. This activity can be used to strengthen the learning to describe conversation skills for children using verbal communication abilities.  

  • Stand in separate corners of the room and face the other way.  

  • Tell your child to imagine that they are talking on the phone.  

  • Engage them in a conversation about a situation they have already been in.  

  • Ask multiple questions to get the depth of the situation

  • Express your feelings and ask them about theirs

  • Use different languages to make them familiar with the words

This activity can help children communicate better using their words and help them gauge what they feel. It will help develop interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. Want to know more such activities? BOOK a FREE Session with our Expert today!

  • Describe a Picture 

This activity aims to increase learning to describe conversation skills for kids, words, and phrases in your children's vocabulary.  

To do this activity, you need a picture- you can use a generic picture, a scene, or a picture of the children doing something.  

  • Ask them to describe what the picture is about, whether orally or in writing.

  • Tell them to describe how they felt in a similar situation. You can also show the kids a recent picture and ask them to remember what they felt like. These conversation skill activities will allow them to put words to their feelings and help them channel their memories to understand their feelings.  


  • 20 questions 

One of the easier ways to get your children to understand ideas well enough to explain them to others is to ask them different kinds of questions. You would then be able to converse about a multitude of topics. Moreover, this activity presents a wonderful chance to learn more about your child and their hobbies and passions while introducing Learning to Describe Conversation Skills for kids. 

  • Identify the Object 

A great way to have fun, this activity can be carried out with or without a blindfold.  

  • You can ask the young ones to stand facing the other side. Please note that this activity can be carried out with multiple people involved.  

  • Place a blindfold on an individual. 

  • They have to identify objects based on the children's descriptions. Take turns and have fun.

This activity is extremely effective in helping young kids learn to describe conversation skills for kids and understand the power of descriptions in a fun and playful manner.  

  • Role-Playing 

Have you ever put yourself in others' shoes, metaphorically? Well, role-playing is like that! You and your kids could have a lot of fun with that, all the while learning conversation skills in English on the go.  

Role-playing also makes people empathetic and kind as they can better understand others and their issues. This also helps develop conversation skills, such as active listening, since conversing is the backbone of this activity. Moreover, they will learn how to converse well in various kinds of social situations.  

  • Dumb Charades  

Usually, playing dumb charades involves movies, shows and songs- but you can easily put a fun personal twist to the game. Act verbs out, be a doctor or play a professional's part- and in the process of playing this and having fun, arm your kids with the best learning to describe skills for kids. What's more, they will be able to learn non-verbal cues easily.

Learning to be descriptive is an important part of communication. The activities mentioned above and practices can easily impart the knowledge and skill required to learn to describe skills in English and make them master communicators.

Teach your kids some of the most important skills that can easily help them in their personal, corporate, and professional lives! Learning conversation skills can make dealing with people in all settings easier. BOOK a FREE Session NOW!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are communications skills?

Communication skills are skills that allow us to talk to people effectively. It makes us efficient speakers, active patient listeners, skilled speakers, and persuasive writers. It allows us to exchange ideas, feelings, and thoughts of varying complexity and is one of the most important conversation skill activities. 

  • How do you start a conversation skill activity?

You can start a conversation activity by being in a clear and calm mood. Don't be afraid to express your feelings in all forms of communication. Make sure to read non-verbal cues as well for effective communication. 

  • What are five good communication skills?

There are five communication skills that everyone must have-

  1. Written communication (using words on paper)

  2. Verbal communication (spoken language)

  3. Nonverbal communication (gestures and tone of language etc.)

  4. Contextual Communication (the ability to relate one sentence to another)

  5. Active listening (understanding everything that is being said properly)


  • Who can do these activities?

While the activities mentioned above are targeted at kids, adults can also partake in such activities since these activities can benefit all participants. Make your child participate in 100+ activities by enrolling them in PlanetSpark Public Speaking Course. BOOK a FREE Class NOW!

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