The art of Public Speaking

Thu, 08 Aug, 2019

Tips to unleash the power and beauty of your speaking voice

Linked Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction

  2. Why Opt for an English Speaking Voice Course Online for Kids?

  3. How to Figure Out the Best English Speaking Course Online for Kids

  4. About PlanetSpark’s English Speaking Voice Course Online for Kids

  5. Some Early Tips From Our English Speaking Voice Course Online for Kids

  6. Importance of Our English Speaking Voice Course Online for Kids


Each individual has a distinct manner of acting, reacting to emotions, perceiving things, and viewing the world. No two people are identical. While you enjoy going to parties, your friend may prefer to stay at home and read his or her favourite book. It is not necessary that if you enjoy socialising, your companion will as well. This is when a personality comes into play.

What your child witnesses during his or her youth, and, more crucially, during his or her growing years, shapes his or her personality. Therefore, how a child is raised has a significant impact on the development of his or her personality.

Personality is nothing more than the accumulation of memories and events throughout an individual's life. Environmental variables, familial history, financial circumstances, genetic characteristics, situations, and circumstances all have a role in shaping an individual's personality.

In layman's terms, your child’s daily behaviour with their speaking voice reflects their personality. How can you ensure that these two essential factors are aligned right from their developmental years? 

Enrol them in an English Speaking Voice Course Online for Kids, such as the one offered by PlanetSpark, to help your child’s personality and speaking skills thrive.

Why Opt for an English Speaking Voice Course Online for Kids?

The way an individual behaves is determined by his or her familial background, upbringing, and social standing, among other factors. A person who has had a difficult childhood is unlikely to open up freely. He/she would always be hesitant to open his/her heart in public. He would always have some kind of terror within him. A person who has never had significant difficulties in life is an extrovert who has no difficulty interacting and socialising with others. You can't criticise someone for not being an extrovert. It is critical to inquire about his or her background or previous life. It is also probable that he was not permitted to leave his home as a child, play, or freak out with friends.

These individuals begin to believe that their home is their only world and that they are at risk of harm if they venture outside. Such an attitude quickly becomes ingrained. English speaking voice classes for children help them polish these aspects of their personality.

An English Speaking Course Online for Kids helps build personality and shapes their thoughts, beliefs, values, and expectations, by helping the kids improve their speaking voice in English. It will help their personal qualities and characteristics to develop. Since personalities are defined by our interactions with others, an English speaking voice class for children will bring them in contact with other children who are also trying to improve their speaking voice in English. The interactions they have will go on to define and set him apart from other children. They will develop individuality through an English Speaking Course Online for Kids, therefore helping them stand out from the crowd.

How To Figure Out The Best English Speaking Course Online For Kids?

The following elements contribute to the development of an individual's personality:

  • Heredity: Heredity is a concept that refers to the characteristics of a person after birth. The physique, beauty, body shape, body weight, and complexion of an individual are determined by his or her parents' biological composition.

  • Environment: The environment in which an individual grows has a notable impact on determining their personality. Our personalities are shaped by multifarious cultures and our familial histories.

  • Situation: An individual's personality can also alter in response to current events and circumstances. With enough savings, an individual will behave differently; when he is bankrupt, his behaviour will automatically alter.

The Speaking Voice Class for Children that offers them the right environment to improve their speaking skills in English and simultaneously gauges their hereditary factors and circumstances to curate an English speaking skill course according to their capacities will be the most perfect choice for your child.

Empower Your Child's Voice - Enrol NOW in our Speaking and Personality Development Course for Kids!

About PlanetSpark’s English Speaking Voice Course Online For Kids

Our English Speaking Voice Class for Children promises to look into all aspects of their personality before hemming together a course for them. It further promises to look into the following aspects with care:

  • Mould an individual and enable him or her to leave their unique mark. Individuals must have their unique style for others to emulate them and not simply copy others mindlessly. Our English Speaking Voice Class for Children will look into personal growth to not only improve their appearance and presentability but teach them how to grin in the face of adversity.

  • Contribute significantly to the reduction of stress and conflict by being more outspoken in the face of conflict. Our English Speaking Voice Class for Children encourages them to consider the optimistic aspects of life. Even the most difficult problems can be overcome with a smile. It teaches them to voice their complaints, problems, and troubles, when necessary.

  • Cultivate a positive outlook toward life. A person with a pessimistic mentality sees a flaw in every circumstance. Rather than berating and blaming others around you, assess the entire problem and attempt to come up with an appropriate answer. Our English Speaking Voice Class for Children will bear in mind that if there is a problem, there must also be a solution and teach how to maintain composure at all times when voicing one’s needs.

  • Develop an interactive speaking voice when interacting with others. Being courteous to others will not only increase a child’s popularity but also earn the respect and pride of others around them. They can not earn respect by being impolite to others around them. Our English Speaking Voice Course Online for Kids will help with personal development, critical for the development of their outer and inner selves. Personal development will enable your child to achieve respect and approval from society and others.

  • Develops a child’s discipline, punctuality, and ability to contribute to his or her company. Individuals who lack discipline have a tough time surviving in the long run. Personal growth encourages you to respect not only your boss and coworkers, but also your family, friends, neighbours, and other relationships. Never mock someone at work. A good English Speaking Voice Course Online, like PlanetSpark’s, can come in handy for this.

  • Refrain from bringing their attitude or personal grievances to work. Our English Speaking Voice Course Online for Kids will help with personality development in a way to assist your child in establishing a distinction between their personal and professional lives. It is critical to maintaining a balance between both worlds to live a calm and stress-free existence.

  • Enable a kid to instil beneficial characteristics such as punctuality, a flexible attitude, a willingness to learn, a friendly disposition, and an eagerness to assist others. A good English Speaking Course Online for Kids will often help shape these aspects of one’s personality, ensuring that the classes begin on time and end on time so that the kid is never running late for their personal engagements, playtime etc.

  • Establish an enviable personality that sets you apart from the competition. Personal development is also critical for developing one's communication abilities. Your kids should develop the ability to express their thoughts and feelings in the manner in which they wish. Our English Speaking Course Online for Kids will help with personal development, helping transform your kids into self-assured individuals who are admired and respected wherever they go.

  • Develop a more optimistic outlook as a result of their personality development. Our English Speaking Course Online for Kids will boost their English speaking skills with personal growth in a way that has a beneficial effect on your child’s communication abilities and worldview.  

Some Early Tips From Our English Speaking Voice Course Online For Kids

Here are a few tips for you to consider for improving your child’s English speaking voice and personality, specially curated from our English Speaking Voice Course Online for Kids:

  • Smile frequently: Nothing works better than a broad smile when engaging with others. As they say, "a smile is a curve that straightens everything." Even the most obstinate person can be won over by a smile. Maintaining a positive attitude when interacting with others can not only help enhance an individual's personality but win the hearts of others even before you have started speaking.

  • Consider positivity in speech: It is critical to speak positively. You must teach your child to avoid being enraged over trivial matters and try to construct their speech with more positive words than negative words.

  • Dress Wisely: Dressing sensibly and intelligently contributes significantly to the development of one's personality. One must dress appropriately for the occasion. A well-dressed individual is regarded and admired by others. Nobody will take your child’s speaking voice seriously if you are not dressing them appropriately for the occasion.

  • Be gentle with others: Do not constantly point out their flaws. Fights and quarrels provide no resolution. You must teach them to be courteous to others in speech and take extreme caution with their words.  Their speaking skills must avoid being impolite and irritable to others.

  • Leave your ego at home: You must help your child tame their ego. That way, when speaking, their ego won’t come in the way of their speech. A person who is good on the inside is adored by others.

  • Avoid Backstabbing and Criticising Others. Backstabbing and criticising others are undesirable behaviours that will work against your child’s growth. You must help them develop an appreciation for others. If someone has accomplished something amazing, do not forget to offer him or her a pat on the back. Believe us, even when you are not present, the other person will talk well about you. In the long term, dishonesty, cheating, and lying degrade your image and cause people to shun your child, affecting their confidence in speech and personality in the long run.

  • Help others: You must teach your child to share whatever knowledge they have in speaking skills with others, making more positive interactions than negative ones. Teach them to bear in mind that nobody can steal their knowledge. Only when they are willing to assist people in all possible ways will their knowledge in speaking skills thrive consequently.  

  • Confidence: It is essential for developing a positive personality and improving their English speaking voice. Whatever they say, even if they say it wrongly, they must exude confidence. Our English Speaking Voice Course Online for Kids especially looks into this.

  • A Patient Hearer: Your child must learn to become a patient hearer, never interrupting someone else while they are speaking. This will help them imbibe the virtues of others in them while they are trying to develop their personality and speaking skills.

Importance of our English Speaking Voice Course Online for Kids

Bear in mind that personality development and speaking voice is not just about looking nice and speaking refined English. Additionally, it is about cultivating one's inner self and becoming a decent human being. Besides helping your child improve their English speaking skills, we will help steer their personality towards the better - keeping them aware of the consequences of their speech and actions. In contrast to the speaking voice, your child’s character is individual to them and rarely changes through time. We, at PlanetSpark, will help your child’s personality better hand-in-hand with their English speaking skills.

A person of good character is accepted and appreciated wherever he goes. These characteristics include the following:

  • Honesty

  • Leadership

  • Trust

  • Courage

  • patience

Enrol now for the PlanetSpark English Speaking Voice Course Online for Kids and help your child to improve their English speaking voice to enrapture the crowd as they grow up.

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