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Wed, 03 Apr, 2019

Transform your writing: Discover the secrets of crafting meaningful sentences with PlanetSpark's lessons!

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Learn How to Make Meaningful Sentences

A speech, article, or any content becomes more effective when you add meaningful sentences. You will have to teach your kids to make meaningful sentences so that they develop a good grasp of the language. PlanetSpark classes are great for learning to make meaningful sentences. Our classes enable students to enhance English sentences used in daily life.

Characteristics of Meaningful Sentences

A meaningful sentence can help in expressing clear thoughts and ensures better communication. To develop the skill of making meaningful sentences for kids, they need to know the characteristics of good sentences. The various characteristics of meaningful sentences are as follows:

  • Complete Sentence: An essential part of meaningful English sentences-making skills for kids is to teach them to frame complete sentences. The subject and the verb express a whole notion in complete sentences. It ensures that no additional information is required to convey an idea.

  • Conjures one mood: To make meaningful sentences means appealing to the sensibilities of your readers or audience. Using proper emotions in your sentences can help determine whether your audience understood what you were trying to convey. Conjuring the mood of your audience is particularly useful in the business writing field. For instance, copywriting or content marketing requires you to evoke relevant emotions in your audience.

  • Drawing an image: To develop "how to make meaningful sentences" skills in children, you need to make them draw pictures with their sentences. Using sensory imagery can help in creating a vivid picture for your audience. To make meaningful sentences, don't provide too much information that can hurt the image of your audience. But you need to provide sufficient details so that they understand the message you are trying to convey. Even a single sentence can provide a powerful image when improving child sentence-making skills.

  • Has flow: To make meaningful sentences, you need to give them a proper rhythm. Sentence construction influences the pace of a sentence. Wordiness or poor punctuation can hamper the quality of a sentence. Readers should not be required to re-read English sentences used in daily life to understand their meaning. Avoid using complicated diction to make meaningful sentences.      

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Tips to Develop Meaningful English Sentences Making Skills for Students

You should remember the following tips if you want to develop meaningful English sentence making skills for students.

  • Write simple sentences: To make meaningful sentences focus on writing simple sentences. Some people think long and complex sentences can make their writing more sophisticated. But the truth is complex sentences only make your writing more complicated. The practice of constructing simple sentences can improve child sentence making skills. Simple sentences help in delivering easily digestible messages and ensure better communication.

  • Follow parallelism: English sentences used in daily life are more pleasant when the grammatical structure is accurate. The process of following proper grammatical structure is known as parallelism or parallel construction.

  • Avoid typos and passive voice: The best way to make meaningful sentences is to avoid passive voice. Using an active voice to construct all sentences helps make them more polished. You should also check all your sentences after writing to avoid typos. Sometimes, people write incomplete sentences accidentally and leave sentence fragments, while rewriting or editing is also a common issue many individuals face.


  • Use proper punctuation: The best way to develop the skill of making meaningful sentences for kids is to teach them the importance of punctuation. Without proper punctuation, your sentences will lack a flow or rhythm and sound meaningless. Remember that periods aren't the only punctuation essential for your sentences. Use commas, semi-colons, hyphens and other punctuations in relevant places to make meaningful sentences. Even if you are writing a small piece for only a few people, you should pay attention to punctuation. While reading your write-ups aloud, you should focus on the punctuations and adjust your pace accordingly. Paying attention can improve child sentence making skills by making your writing more sophisticated.

  • Practice speaking and writing: If you want to make meaningful sentences all the time, you should practise your writing and speaking skills. You can improve and become a pro only with sufficient practice. Choose a topic of your choice and start writing on it. You can increase the complexity of your topics as you become better at making English sentences used in daily life.

  • Use proper articles and prepositions: The English language has definite articles and indefinite articles. The definite article is for referring to specific nouns. An indefinite article is used for a general noun. The English language has several types of propositions, and knowing their correct usage is essential to making meaningful sentences.

  • Use linking words: Linking words in sentences can help add a nice flow to your content. Transition words can help your content seem smooth when shifting from one idea to another. It ensures that your content is not filled with unrelated statements. But if you have to use too many linking words in your writing, you might frequently be switching between ideas. In that case, try reorganising your sentences and group related ideas together.

Book a FREE class today and start crafting meaningful sentences with PlanetSpark's expert lessons!

How to Make Meaningful Sentences Activities for Kids

If you find your child is struggling to make meaningful sentences, do not take too much stress. Several key skills need to be developed to improve child sentence making skills. Go through some "how to make meaningful sentences" activities for kids that can help you.

  • Reading Comprehension: A basic skill to make meaningful sentences is reading comprehension. It revolves around the ability to read and comprehend a given piece of text. The first step revolves around locating unfamiliar words and recognising familiar words. After that, kids need to understand the meaning of strings of words and sentences. Reading comprehension can also help kids develop a new vocabulary. It will ensure that kids struggle a little less with spelling. It will also ensure that kids are able to locate mistakes in their sentences easily.

  • Transcription: It is referred to as a physical activity for producing words. Apart from developing the skill of making meaningful sentences, it can also improve children's handwriting and spelling skills. Kids struggling to construct proper sentences and with illegible handwriting can benefit from this activity. Students who have a slow writing speed can also feel their speed of writing increase with repeated practice. It will also ensure that your kid is able to spell out words without too much help. Transcription activities can also be done using a computer. It ensures that kids become efficient at typing fast.

  • Content and genre knowledge: The idea is to teach kids about different forms of writing and how to make meaningful sentences for each form of writing. For instance, kids should learn about narrative writing if they want to become a pro at developing stories. A story needs to include a setting and a plot. While the setting revolves around where, when and who, the plot revolves around why and what. Kids may also be required to make meaningful sentences for persuasive writing. In that case, a kid will have to include reasons, position statements, and facts. A conclusion must be present at the end to summarise the major reasons for writing the piece.

  • Planning and Revising: Another great "how to make meaningful sentences" activity for kids is teaching them how to plan and revise a piece of writing. Before writing the original piece, preparing drafts with the summary of what you want to write can be extremely helpful. A lot of ideas come to mind while writing. Planning helps organise these ideas and figure out which ones would be perfect for your content piece. Kids should also be taught to fix errors in their writing while revising and improving the meaning of sentences. Editing skills depend on understanding why and how certain changes should be made to a content piece.

  • Self-regulation: A great way to make meaningful sentences is to understand the importance of self-regulation. It revolves around setting how many words you want in a piece of content or deciding how long you want your sentences to be. Self-regulation means rewriting a sentence after coming to its end and a range of other things that can improve your writing. The ability to self-regulate can automatically increase the chance of keeping all sentences meaningful in a piece of content. When kids learn the value of writing, they will become better at self-regulation.

Transform your writing skills and express yourself with confidence - sign up for PlanetSpark's lessons today!


  1. How to improve writing English sentences used in daily life?

If you want to improve writing English sentences used in daily life, you should focus on more practice. You should also follow grammar rules and try to exhibit clear ideas through your sentences. Using transitional words in your sentences can also help in enhancing them.

  1. What are some basic examples of making meaningful sentences for kids?

Some basic examples of making meaningful sentences for kids are as follows:

  • I love eating chocolates.

  • I will wake up early in the morning.

  1. How to make meaningful sentences in English for kids?

Learning how to make meaningful sentences in English for kids is mandatory. It will help your kids make a compelling speech that impresses the audience. Your kid needs to follow proper grammatical structure to make meaningful sentences.

  1. Can PlanetSpark lessons help develop the skill of making meaningful sentences for kids?

PlanetSpark lessons can help develop the skill of meaningful sentences for kids. Our lessons are well-curated to help kids understand how to construct proper sentences. Sentence-making skills will improve the speaking as well as the writing of students.

  1. How many years of practice is enough to make meaningful sentences?

Students need to grasp the rules of grammar to make meaningful sentences. While some kids need a few years, others might become good at making meaningful sentences within a short while. Book a demo session at PlanetSpark today!

  1. How to improve child sentence making skills?

To improve child sentence making skills, you should make your kids read more. Along with reading, make your kids practise writing and speaking. Give random topics to your kids so that they can prepare a speech or article and put their sentence making skills to the test.

  1. What are some "how to make meaningful sentences" activities for kids?

You can ask your kids to write an essay on their favourite topic. You can also ask your kids to deliver a speech on any topic. It will help in making them more confident at public speaking. Your kids will become good at making meaningful sentences with repeated practice at writing and speaking.

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