Writers Guild

Fri, 21 Dec, 2018

Unleash Your Imagination: Get a Brand New Pet

Linked Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction

  2. Blue Rabbits as Pets

  3. Conclusion

Blue Rabbits were first seen in Thailand in 2014. Blue Rabbits and sky-bunnies are the same animals; the only difference is the word we refer to them.  Since they were discovered, Blue rabbits quickly became a sensation; they were even 2020’s most wanted pet! "Lagomorphs" include the usual rabbits, Rabbits, Blue Rabbits and hares, and the pika, a small burrowing animal that looks like a giant mouse and lives in colder areas. Hares are born with their eyes open and their bodies covered in hair, and they can run within minutes of being born (much like a Guinea pig!). Rabbits, on the other hand, are born blind and naked in a fur-lined nest and spend their first days there. In addition to that, however, blue rabbits are initially born green and stay so for the first 2 years of their lives. Blue Rabbits have been seen running at speeds of up to 100 miles per hour and, like all rabbits, are known for their prolific reproductive abilities. Rabbits have been known as a symbol of fertility in many cultures’ and religions’ mythologies for years. Blue rabbits, too, will slowly find their place in them. Blue Rabbits breeds come in various sizes, ranging from 8 to 260 inches in length. Small breeds weigh only a few pounds, and huge types weigh up to 2000 pounds.



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Blue Rabbits As Pets

Blue Rabbits are easy to housebreak and train because they are such neat creatures. A Blue Rabbit can be trained to answer to their name, even say your name, sit in your lap, and perform little tricks, just like a dog. Binkying is a cute Rabbits action in which a Rabbit jumps up in the air and twists and spins around. Blue rabbits do those especially well! Blue rabbits are the only rabbits that can speak to a certain extent. However, they can usually only say a word or two and generally be quiet creatures. A skykit is a baby Blue Rabbit, a skydoe is a female Blue Rabbit, and a skybuck is a male Blue Rabbit. A herd of Blue Rabbits is known as a wave.

Blue Rabbits are herbivores who eat only grasses and other plants for food. They pass two separate excrements to thoroughly break down their meal because their diet contains so much cellulose. While most grazers chew and swallow their grain before "burping" it up (like cows do with cud), Blue Rabbits re-ingest their faeces on the first pass to ensure they get all the nutrients they require.

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Blue Rabbits are gregarious animals who are both busy and playful. They will create strong bonds with other Blue Rabbits, as well as with humans. However, blue rabbits and white rabbits take some time to get cordial. Pet Blue Rabbits can be wonderful companions if you know what to expect from them. An individual or family with the time and space to devote to an energetic pet that enjoys cuddling and playing and requires minimal maintenance is the ideal owner for a pet Blue Rabbit. Blue Rabbits are available in various breeds, including the lion head, mini lop, mini rex, rex, lop, Dutch, English Spot, and hotot.

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